Curriculum Vitae: Dr. John Voudouris (Hon) DDS, DOrth, MScD
Dr. John Voudouris is a graduate of the University of Toronto, Discipline of Orthodontics with a Master of Science Degree. He currently holds three university teaching position as incoming Adjunct Professor at Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, he is Instructor at the Graduate Orthodontic Program at the University of Toronto, teaching Dentofacial Orthopedics Functional Appliances since 1985. Dr. Voudouris is also a Visiting Scholar at the Division of Basic Biological Sciences, New York University 1998-2022 (currently). His main area of research and expertise is in Craniofacial Growth and Development combined with Orthopedic Fixed Functional Appliances including a new Maxillary Segmental Distalizer he has developed, Active Self-Seating Mechanisms developed and Clear Aligner Biomechanics. Dr. Voudouris is additionally an Affiliated Faculty in the College of Dental Medicine, Nova Southeastern University as a Research Supervisor for several investigations. He is a orthodontic specialist and clinician in private orthodontic practice, an educator, and researcher for 34 years.
He received his Doctor of Dental Surgery, DDS, degree in 1983 and his specialty in orthodontics diploma, DOrth, in 1987 both from the University of Toronto. In 1988 he received his Master of Science, MSc(D), degree at the University of Toronto in Craniofacial Growth Modification.
Dr. Voudouris received the University of Toronto, George Hare Endodontic Scholarship in 1983.
Dr. Voudouris was nominated into the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry Honors Dental Society Omicron Kappa Upsilon after graduating from dentistry in 1983.
He was awarded the University of Toronto, Department of Orthodontics, Aaron Posen Award for Clinical Excellence and Creativity in 1987, and developed the concept of Growth Relativity (published in the leading orthodontic journal AJO/DO Journal).
He is the recipient of the most prestigious American Association of Orthodontists Milo Hellman Research Research Award in 1989, for Condylar and Glenoid Fossa Growth Modeling and Electromyographic Muscle Interactions.
Dr. Voudouris is a full member of the Edward H. Angle Society for the Northeastern component of the United States of America, since 2007.
Dr. Voudouris has been selected as a scientific reviewer for The Angle Orthodontist Journal, European Journal of Orthodontics, and the World Federation of Orthodontics Journal. In addition, he is a member of the Editorial Board, Orthodontic Practice Journal.
He is Past President of the Toronto Orthodontic Study Club, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
He is Past President of the International Interactive Self-ligation Dentofacial Orthopedic Symposium ( ISOS 2007). Past Director of the Home for the Aged Dental Clinic and active in the Children’s Hellenic Hope Center for Mental Disabilities. He is past-president of the Asclepius Dental Association.
Dr. Voudouris is particularly recognized as a researcher and developer of Interactive Self-ligating and other orthodontic systems. He maintains several intellectual properties for new orthodontic technologies. He is recognized as an expert internationally in the field of dentofacial orthopedics, self-ligation and clear aligner biomechanics.
Dr. Voudouris has published three formal textbook on Interactive Self-Ligation titled:
Excellence and Efficiency Interactive Twin Self-ligation: Orthopedic-Muscle and Gnathological Biomechanics in Clinical Orthodontics. In addition, he has published 3 Biomechanics manuals:*
Bio-Mechanics I: Bio-Interactive Self-ligation Technique Course, Introduction
Bio-Mechanics II: Self-ligation Orthodontics in Treatment of Dental Anomalies Missing Laterals
Bio-Mechanics III: Self-ligation Orthodontics in Fixed Functional, and Surgical Treatments
Dr. JVoudouris has additionally published in 2022 a formal hardcover textbook on Aligner Biomechanics and Design titled: JVoudouris Aligner Design Supercorrection Prescription Aligner Biomechanics, 2022. It has been instrumental in reducing the onerous costs of multiple refinements, and saving practitioners up to 3 extra Clinchecks™. This textbook has been additionally published in 10 different languages.
Dr. J Voudouris has lectured extensively in several universities internationally including:
Harvard University School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) on two occasions including delivering the prestigious Jack Dale Memorial Lecture,
Five occasions at New York University, Manhattan, USA,
Two Continuing Education Courses, Rosenthal Center, New York University,
Tufts University, USA,
Boston University, USA,
University of Connecticut, USA, Invitation Dr. C. Burstone and Dr. R. Nanda,
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA, Invitation Dr. McNamara,
Two occasions at Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Invitation
Dr. M. Palomo on Aligners,
Five Occasions Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, Invitation by Drs. Premeraj, USA, Aligners and Active, Self-ligation Systems
Director, Intl Self-ligation and Dentofacial Orthopedics Society, Hollywood, Florida, USA.
The Nippon Dental University, Orthodontic Department, Invitation Dr. Kazuhito Arai, and Dr. Keisuke Tochigi Tokyo, Japan
London, England, United Kingdom, University College Hospital
Oslo Norway, Dentofacial Orthopedics and Active, Self-ligation,
Aarhus University Denmark, Dentofacial Orthopedics and Active, Self-ligation,
University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Active Self-ligation,
Utrecht, the Netherlands,
Montrouge Université, Paris, France,
Université de Lyon, France,
University of Bordeaux, France,
World Federation of Orthodontists, Paris, France,
Four presentations at the FFO Meetings Paris, France
Paris, France, JVBarre Distalizer and Active Self-ligating systems,
Two occasions Université de Geneva, Switzerland,
Universität Bern, Switzerland, Active Self-ligating systems,
Universität Zürich, Switzerland, Active Self-ligating systems,
University of Buenos Aires Argentina, Active Self-ligating systems,
Cassino, Italy. Active, Self-ligation,
American Association of Orthodontists, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, USA,
American Association of Orthodontists, Chicago, Illinois, USA,
American Association of Orthodontists, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
American Association of Orthodontists, Los Angeles, California USA,
The Northeastern Society of Orthodontists (NESO) Boston,
The Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists Meeting (PCSO) Palm Springs California,
Las Vegas Nevada, USA,
Woodstock, Vermont, USA,
Pforzheim, Germany,
Kitzbuhel, Austria,
Two occasions including Athens, Panhellenic Orthodontic Association
Thessaloniki Greece, Pre-Congress Aligner Deep Bite and Open Bite, JVBarre Treatments
Santorini, Greece, Invisalign Mandibular Advancer and Theory, Greek Orthodontic Aligner Society
Two occasions Moscow Russia, Dentofacial Orthopedics and Active, Self-ligation,
St. Petersburg, Russia, Dentofacial Orthopedics and Active, Self-ligation,
Three occasions in Sao Paulo Brazil, Sao Paulo Society of Orthodontists Brazil,
Porto Alegre, Brazil, Brazilian Orthodontic Meeting,
San Pedro Brazil, Straightwire Brazil, Dentofacial Orthopedics and Active, Self-ligation,
Campinas, Brazil, Functional Appliance and Active, Self-ligation,
Balneario Comboriu, Brazil, Active, Self-ligation, Active, Self-ligation,
Bogota, Colombia, Colombian Orthodontic Society, Dentofacial Orthopedics and SL,
Ixtapa Mexico, Association Mexicana of Maxillofacial Orthopedics
Puerto Vallarta Mexico, Association Mexicana of Maxillofacial Orthopedics
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Active Self-ligation and other Innovative Systems
Monastir, Tunisia, Pre-CongressAligners, Active Self-ligation and Functional Appliances,
Cape Town South Africa, Sidney Australia, and Cyprus invitations.
Dr. J Voudouris has published in the American and Orthodontic Journals and in Canada since 1983, German IOK Journal 2003, the Italian Journal of Orthodontics 2004, and Brazilian Orthodontic Science and Practice 2014. He continues to be in private specialty orthodontic practice in Toronto, for over 34 years.
27 Scientific Evidence-based and Clinical Publications: J. Voudouris
1. Woodside DG, Voudouris JC, Altuna G, et al. Use of a facemask to protect the intra-oral area. Lab Animal Sci 1983:33:600-2.
2. Voudouris JC. Glenoid fossa and condylar remodeling following progressive mandibular protrusion in the mixed dentition: a computerized, histomorphometric, cephalometric, and electromyographic investigation. Master of Science Thesis, Toronto, Ontario: Department of Orthodontics, University of Toronto, 1988.
3. Sessle BJ, Woodside DG, Bourque PJ, Gurza P, Powell S, Voudouris JC, et al. Effect of functional appliances on jaw muscle activity. Am J Orthod Dentof Orthop 1990;98:222-229.
4. Voudouris JC. Interactive Edgewise Mechanisms: Form and Function Comparison with Conventional Edgewise Appliances. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 1997;111: 119-140.
5. Voudouris JC. Seven Clinical Principles of Interactive Twin Mechanisms. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. Jan. 1997; XXXI: 55-65.
6. Voudouris JC, Kuftinec MM (Editor of Textbook). Excellence and Efficiency, Interactive Twin Self-ligation. Orthopedic-Muscle and Gnathological Biomechanics in Clinical Orthodontics. 2003 (first ed.): pp. 1-310, Interactive Self-ligation Dentof Orthop Publications, Toronto.
7. Voudouris JC, Kuftinec MM: Improved Clinical Use of Twin Block and Herbst Appliances as a result of Radiating Viscoelastic Forces on the Condyle and Fossa in Treatment and long-term Retention: Growth Relativity. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop March 2000;117:247-266.
8. Voudouris JC, Woodside DG, Altuna G, Kuftinec MM, Angelopoulos G, Bourque PJ. Condyle-fossa modifications and muscle interactions during Herbst treatment, Part 1. New technological methods. Am J Orthod Dentof Orthop. June 2003;123:604-613.
9. Voudouris JC, Woodside DG, Altuna G, Angelopoulos G, Bourque PJ, Yamin Lacouture C, Kuftinec MM. Condyle-fossa modifications and muscle interactions during Herbst treatment, Part 2. Results and conclusions. Am J Orthod Dentof Orthop. July and Sept 2003;124:13-29.
10. Katsavrias, EG: The effect of mandibular protrusive (activator) appliances on articular eminence morphology. The Angle Orthodontist. 2003;73:647-653.
11. Katsavrias, EG, Voudouris JC: The effect of mandibular protrusive appliances on the glenoid fossa for Class II correction. The Angle Orthodontist. 2003;74:79-85.
12. Suzuki SS, Voudouris JC, Suzuki H Basting RT. Comparative Mathematical Analysis of Interactive Self-ligation and Conventional bracket systems for Orthodontic Treatment Duration (supervisor for future publication paper).
13. Voudouris JC, Schismenos CK, Lackovic K, Kuftinec MM. Self-ligating, esthetic brackets and low frictional resistance. 2010:80:188-194.
14. Voudouris, JC, Cameron CG, Sanovic S. The anterior bite plane nightguard for neuromuscular anterior de-programming. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. 2008; XLII:84-97.
15. Voudouris JC, Kuftinec MM, Bantleon HP, Muhs S, Perscheck A. Selbsligierende Twin-Brackets [Teil I] – Ist weniger mehr? Inf Orthod Kieferorthop. 2003;35:13-18.
16. Kuftinec MM, Voudouris JC: Interactive Self-ligating System: applicazioni cliniche. La Revista Italiana di Ortodonzia e Ortopedia dentofacciale, 2004;II:31-39.
17. Schismenos, CK (Voudouris, JC, Research Supervisor). Don’t throw the Self-ligation baby out with the Commercial Bathwater. Am J Orthod Dentof Orthop, 2011:141(1):2-3 (Responding to O’Brien, K editorial. In the land of no evidence the salesman is king).
18. Rossi NJ, Rossi RC, Rossi NJC, Rossi Jr R, Yamashita HK, Voudouris JC. Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics with self-ligations brackets- case report. Orthod. Sci. Pract. 2014:7(28):425-433.
19. Voudouris JC. An Evidence Iceberg. Am J Orthod Dentof Orthop. 2014;145(2): 127-8.
20. Voudouris JC. Tongue star 2 (TS2)- System for rapid open bite closure, Ortho International magazine of Orthodontics 2017; Vol. 2, Issue 2:10-15.
21. Voudouris JC, Gaveglia, V, Poulos JJ. BiTurbo2 (BT2) - System for rapid deep overbite correction, Ortho International magazine of Orthodontics 2017;Vol. 2, Issue 2:30-36.
22. Voudouris JC, Poulos JJ, Schismenos CK, Argyropoulos C. Invisalign Mandibular Advancers and Tetrahedron 3D Facial Analysis in Dentofacial Orthopedics: 10 rules. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. 2018;52(3):134-147.
23. Voudouris JC, Suri S, Tompson B, Voudouris JD, Schismenos C, Poulos J. Self-ligation shortens chair time and compounds savings, with external bracket hygiene compared to conventional ligation: Systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research. 2018:4(4):1-10.
24. Voudouris JC. Voudouris JD. Self-ligation has significantly shorter chair time compared to conventional ligation with 8 techniques: Systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of clinical outcomes. Oral Health. 2021;111(9):24-40.
25. Voudouris JC. Priority Treatment Objectives and ceramic interactive self-ligation (IN-OVATION-C) biocompatibility using scanning electron microscopy. (future publication paper, 2023).
26. Clear Aligners, dentofacial orthopedics, physics and supercorrection prescription biomechanics: A meeting of the minds. Voudouris JC, Voudouris JD, Nicolay O, Glaser B, Nicozisis J, Theodoridis G, Carrillo R, Moshiri M, and Masoud M. Seminars in Orthodontics, published on-line March 2022, 1-57.
27. Voudouris JC, Voudouris JD. Aligner Design, Supercorrection Prescription, physics and Aligner Biomechanics (Manual). Clear Aligner Techniques and Dentofacial Orthopedic Publications, ISBN 978-0-9733167-1-1: April 2022, pp. 1-60.
*for further reference on the 3 Biomechanics manuals please visit under “Education” and “Biomechanics manuals”
28. Voudouris JC, Voudouris JD, Kusnoto B, Sanchez FJC, Opperman N. Novel Aligner Protocol Enhances Molar Intrusion and Mandibular Autorotation for Open Bite Treatment using Bilateral Molar Intrusion (BMI) Appliance and Aligner Tongue Trainers (ATTs). Submitted to Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop Companion. 2023.
29. Aligner Realities for Specialists: Muscle-Driven Deep Bite Treatment Applying a Novel Anterior Intrusion Appliance (AIA) Enhances Reciprocal Buccal Extrusion. Voudouris JC, Voudouris JD, Premeraj TS, Premaraj S, Tsolaki A, Huseynzade L.
Prepared for Submission to Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop Companion. 2023.